Thursday, May 5, 2016


Flawless customer service experience does not only translate to more sales; it also brings repeat sales.The size of your small business is one big reason you should not only improve your customer service but also increase sales and outperform your more established competitors. Customers are the lifeblood of any business, and they are especially precious during uncertain times like this. The strength of your bond with them and the quality of their experience with your business will determine how long you will remain in business. Below are 7 ways you can improve your customer service and fire up your sales:

1. SEEK AND VALUE FEEDBACK. As a small business seeking and placing premium on feedbacks from both your employees and customers will help you provide outstanding customer experience. Your employees are the face of your business, they interface daily with your customers and can furnish you with valuable feedbacks that will give your business a competitive edge. Customers on the other hand, do not only buy and use your product/service; they buy that of your competitors too. Their feedbacks if requested can be a source of intelligence to drive your sales. Feedbacks from these two sources can help your company modify product/service to serve your customers better.

2.BE REACHABLE. Be small for good and not big for nothing. Deploy all you can to make it easy for your customers to reach you. Offering many options for potential and established customers to contact you will keep them; and wanting to buy from you. Excellent customer service begins from being close to your customers whenever and wherever. Make your Linked in page, twitter handle, toll free hot line, Live chat on your website, E-mail ID etc. available to them they will appreciate it and reward you for it.

3. SEE FROM YOUR CUSTOMER’S PERSPECTIVE. Every business is to serve the interest of its customers, its size notwithstanding. Thinking like a customer will continually help you see how you can serve them better and keep them happy and loyal to your business. Customers are only interested in how your product/service can improve their lives/add value to them.

4. EMBRACE AND PROMPTLY RESPOND TO CUSTOMERS COMPLAINTS. Some large companies are really losing ground with customers in this regard. Forget that some customers’ complaints will hurt and appear flimsy sometimes, embracing and promptly addressing them are pathways to beating your competitors to providing a top notch customer service. Acknowledging and addressing their complaints within the least possible time will build a solid base of satisfied and loyal fans for your small business.

5. EQUIP AND UPDATE YOUR EMPLOYEES WITH SERVICE/PRODUCT INFORMATION. I have seen an established business “dance naked in the market place” by failing to address this key issue. Small businesses can learn and position themselves to guard against this. Whether you have a designated customer service team or every employee play utility roles, it is extremely important that employees across all departments have an updated information about what you are selling. This will equip your people to adequately solve customers’ problems promptly.

6. PERSONALISE CUSTOMER SERVICE. Customers are different and so are their needs, wants and interests. Treat your customers as individuals and not as a group. The flexibility in small businesses can give you an edge in providing personalized customer service. Embracing a fully personalized customer engagement approach will minimize potential frustrations and allow you to easily resolve many customer issues. This should extend from your e-mail to them to customer support to the sorts of products and services you recommend to them.

7. ENGAGE THEM BETTER WITH AFFORDABLE TECHNOLOGIES. Today’s technological advancements have actually made it even easier for small businesses to adopt new services that will help them better engage with customers. Smart combo of mobile technology, social media and analytics can help you better understand your customers. Deriving insights from social data to uncover trends, preferences and predictions will keep you ahead in efficiently meeting your customers’ needs. These technologies will drive your growth by allowing your company move from an innovative idea to a strong brand and often remove geographic constraints to opening new markets. Adopting new technology for small business is a way of increasing productivity and reaching their goals more efficiently.

Ultimately, empowering your team to drive your customer experience is key in your quest to improve customer service. With a deliberate and conscious effort your small business can be reputed for unmatchable customer service, thereby cornering more sales.

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