Friday, June 5, 2015


Business leaders of even large organizations today talk co-operation but promote and encourage competition through their leadership style, body language and reward system. Over the years, business organizations have been made to believe that competition within the organization and among the employees is a good omen for business development.  A situation where one manager/employee’s success meant the failure of others is typical of competition. This flaw in paradigm is responsible for many invisible problems in the workplace today. I am not saying everything is wrong with competition; it has its own specific time and place if it is healthy.

In the words of Stephen.R.Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, ‘Interdependence is a higher value than Independence’. This statement displaces competition for co-operation (Collaboration) in the effective running of a business enterprise. The concept of competition adopted within a business organization has done more harm to businesses than good. It has ended up pitching many leaders against their peers in their own organization in a way that hurt the team and cast a shadow on the realization of the business’ corporate vision. Some individuals have already been scripted in the win/loose mentality from birth, when one child is being compared to the other and love and understanding is given or withdrawn on the basis of such comparison. When such individuals come into an organization where competition is celebrated they become a die-hard promoter of it both consciously and unconsciously.

The bane of effective interpersonal communication and building a great winning team is competition. Competition explains why an individual will put his interest first in a team ahead of that of the organization. It is what engenders strive among professional colleagues. It promotes single and limited thinking (My good Ideas) as against corporate (Shared) thinking through brainstorming. It excludes others. Competition can destroy the hope of an organization realizing its corporate vision, as individualism can never achieve what is called corporate.

A higher and more desirable value for effective organizational operation today is Co-operation (Collaboration). Co-operation which can also be referred to as a win/win mindset, constantly seeks mutual benefits in all human interactions. Co-operation in a business organization creates a platform where team members feel good about decisions and feel committed to the action plan. The co-operation/collaboration paradigm views life as a co-operative, and not a competitive arena. The co-operation strategy when promoted in an organization will help every team member understand that the success of one person is not achieved at the expense or exclusion of the success of others.

Exploring the value of co-operation/collaboration for organizational success focuses on producing personal and organizational excellence in an entirely different way by developing information and reward systems which reinforced the value of co-operation. Rather than spur co-workers to compete with themselves in the same organization, co-operation breeds an atmosphere of trust required to effectively synergize different talents and skills to advance business goals.

Innovation thrives more on collaboration. Gone are the days when we used to think great ideas can only pop-up in some super individuals’ heads. All across the globe today, innovation comes alive and runs faster on the wheel of collaboration. Promoting co-operation in your organization will facilitate a win-win mindset among your people. Each one begins to think how the team wins, the teams think how the organization wins and the organization ensures that its people win in turn.

Developing a culture of co-operation in a business organization will enhance the focus of such organization to strive for or maintain an enviable leadership position in its industry. All internal forces and resources are easily marshaled to combat the uncontrollable external competition and threats.
The bottom line is this, the success of the whole organization is more important than any individual wins and relevance. Mind you, individuals are brought into the organization to help accomplish its vision, so nothing will help better than the co-operation strategy, a-joint-lifting of the organization to its dreamland.

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